Let me make one thing clear up front: I am not a cat person. By this, I do not condone those anti-feline activists strategizing over new ways to skin a cat. I, simply stated, don't like animals relieving themselves in my home. I looked for a photo to add to this blog online, and this is what I came up with. So, now that this issue is settled, onto the blog.
A friend mentioned that "rants" rather than "raves" make good blogs. I shall rant then.
I remember when I was eight years old. Several important things occurred. First, I turned eight. I was alive, healthy and ready to pursue the adventures another year of my life would bring.
Second, I became an official member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, aka. the Mormons. This process involves participation in Sunday classes for kids, called Primary, as well as an interview with the local ecclesiatical authority, the Bishop. He asks questions to test your knowledge and preparedness to make the covenants that coincide with the ordinances of Baptism and Confirmation. This was the largest, most serious official organization I had joined in my life. The second being the Cub Scouts of America.
The third thing coincided with my joining the Church. I was given a journal– a book in which I could write my history, record my thoughts, document any accomplishments (which, at that time, I was told there would be many), and jot down any little insight I felt inclined. I expected this journal to pass into the hands of my future offspring and serve as a guide and warning to them based on my experiences. It was private. Not meant for others eyes. At least until after I was feeding the worms and pushing up daisies.
Now, for the rant. Journaling or, as it is called now, "blogging" has lost its intimacy. Along with many other intimate things, the internet has filled its void with this low hanging fruit. And, unfortunately, my personal life was not exempt. I will set for the situation that set off this rant:
I don't like tight pants. On the occasions that I wear closely fitted trousers, I make an attempt to remove them as quickly as time and situation permits. On just such an occasion, I returned to my home and removed my trousers. In their stead, I adorned myself in loose fitting pants, of the type with a drawstring, and went to join my family. When my wife, Lara, saw me, she said, "Whoa, lemme get a picture a' that. You's wearin' a fancy shirt an' those pants. I'm gonna post that on my blog." (the idiomatic speech was added by me) The photographic record was obtained. The blogging commenced. My self-image was shattered.
Blogging can serve a wonderful purpose. It can unite groups, keep up acquaintances, and foster relationships made difficult by distance and time. This only occurs when the posts remain thoughtful, concise and appropriately distant. I should mention that this remains true despite my garish transgression of these rules in this blog.
There it is, Rant #0000000001. Many to follow. . .
I was not going to put the picture online, I was just going to keep it tucked away until an appropriate time presented itself. Now- wait until I post the picture. Y'all will understand why I took it in the first place.
Welcome to my life.
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So is blogging meant solely for the friends who live far away, or can those living close by enjoy it too? Just wondering if I need to invite your fam over to find out how you feel about tight pants, or if I can just read your online journal.
It is like sitting in the room with you listening to you talk. You are crazy, and the tight pants, now that makes since. I can't wait to see the picture. Oh, and the cat, umm than why do you have one? Shad has already let it be known there will be no cats in or near our house. Brynn has a fake one, that I must keep hidden, even that is not safe.
Hey Cats are cool.... I have 3 of them I outta know. And no they do not suck your breath.. Mine sleep on my head. Tight pants are in Adam come on you are hip to the ways....
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