Wednesday, August 23, 2006

10 Reasons Diet Coke Should Be Your Favorite Drink

10. Discounted admission to local amusement parks.
9. Sleek silver and red packaging
8. Snap. Pour. Bubble. Fizz. Ahhh.
7. The diet absorbs calories. So, eat that extra piece of cheese cake.
6. All the cool people are doing it.
5. Coke reward points. Get something else that says "I drink coke."
4. Legal stimulant allows for improved grades, performance at work and early morning child rearing.
3. Available at any drink machine world wide.
2. Variety. With Lime, Lemon, Vanilla, Black Cherry Vanilla, Cherry and Splenda variations, you can tailor you beverage to anything.
1. Just imagine the profits you'll make in the Black Market at BYU.


Blogger brent said...

Is #7 your medical opinion?

6:13 PM  
Blogger skbkmjfamily said...

Your BACK, do you hear the Hallalejiah chorus (well the one that can spell it at least).

I love the #2 reason, with lime is the best.

I smuggled Dr. Pepper to a friend in the MTC, just packaged it the right way, think of the profit at that place.

7:21 PM  
Blogger SpyderDoc said...

While I have not confirmed this in a medical trial, my own personal experience has shown this to be true. I eat almost everything and anything and I am still svelte! I believe you, too, could be svelte like me if you only drank more Diet Coke.

4:34 PM  
Blogger Jack Phillips said...

Everyone knows that people in Utah County only drink Caffiene Free Diet Coke. There is no market. Now there might be a market for commuters like me on lunch break...
And just for an n of 1 trial. I too am skinny like nobody's business, so heck we have all the proof we need.

9:21 PM  
Blogger chattypatra said...

So that's why I'm not "svelte"! Wish I'd read this sooner. I've got the "eat whatever I want" part down pat, but nobody told me "the secret". Then again, I HATE Diet Coke, so that *is* a problem.

Oh, well, you hotties need to have fatties walking around to make you look even better than you already do. Pass the bottle of regular Coke, please. Your miracle supply of diet goodness is safe with me.

12:52 PM  

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